Wednesday, August 17, 2016


What I mean?

I feel like everything is abut translating. I started writing because I want to translate all the great stories I’ve read and heard into my own language. Because the translation process of how we experience the world seems to change dramatically as we grow up. I’m at a point in my life where I have options but I can’t seem to choose any of them. How I translated the world when I was younger and how I translate the world now seem to be so different. But in reality, I think it’s really not, I just have a tendency to believe that it’s different.

Childhood Experience

When I was a kid, everything was exciting. Everything had a potential to be a fun experience. It didn’t matter where I was, I just wanted to move my body. My translation of the world was very immediate. It was about my capacity to do things. I remember taking turns jumping. There were times when racing was all I wanted to do. I remember playing marbles, a game of carrom, playing soccer, and just wondering about. Everything that I was translating was through the anticipation of moving. My translation of the world depended on the immediate necessity to do something that increased my adrenaline. But I’ve forgotten a lot of this since recently. 

Adult Experience

As an uncle of 4 nieces, I’ve learned how babies and little kids translate the world, from the perspective of a supposed adult. I remember talking to my oldest niece a couple of months ago, it was just another day. But the way she described the world in front of her caught me off guard. 

I was just walking on the road, the same place that I’ve walked through for 16 years. This is where my school bus came everyday when I was a younger. So when my 6 year old niece started describing all the things that you can do in the space, I was startled to realize it was true. She started talking about hanging around the little pond that was nearby, going for walks in the grass, running and playing tag, and hiding behind trees.

She was very positive about the possibilities that the environment in front of her brought. I’ve become pretty oblivious to what’s in front of me. So it was very inspiring to realize that there are so many possibilities. 

I realized after some moments, that I stopped translating the world in that way at some point. I used to love playing tag when I was younger. I used to get excited about pretty much everything. I was even excited to be learning how to make buildings when I started college. But somewhere along the way, that excitement faded. 

Babies and kids also pretty much model the world through observation, though their perception of the world is highly magnified. That’s why kids nowadays love listening to and watching youtube videos all the time. I mean adults do it too, but the kids watch it at a different level. 

Before a certain age, it doesn’t matter how many times something plays, babies seem to enjoy the sound and the movement with a different intensity. Obviously they also like moving, but they also love watching a simple action or tune over and over again.

Psychological Experience

As a student of modern psychology, it’s very interesting to realize that the mind always wants to seek out novel experiences. How interesting something is depends on the brain’s exposure to the event. Babies first start by crawling, then walking, then running, and then jumping, and on and on. Eventually the experiences that they seek out broadens.

Learning how to do things by oneself becomes learning how to do things with other people. It’s a never ending process of learning by perceiving and observing. I realize I stopped looking at things, and just started creating. And that’s a flaw on my part. Because creating something new is the same as learning how to model something. It’s the same as learning how to run for the first time.

When something is new, the process, the state of flow takes over. And everything becomes exciting. When thoughts stop, and the body just starts moving, that’s when you know you’re enjoying the experience. That’s, I think, why roller coasters still can induce such excitement cause you’re just experiencing the movement. 

The prefrontal cortex, or our consciousness, is loaded with so much information nowadays. It’s easier to see why cooperation will be the norm of society, but as a result, individuality will be lost. The excitement that is lost in the process of conformity as we become adults is something I want to study. I believe cooperation is key for society, but I can’t accept how individuality has become such a commodity. 

Architecture Experience

I believe, the process of modeling the world, is diminishing at an astronomical rate as we become older. The 9-5 jobs that have become the standard is making us very robotic. Robots are good with routines, I remember during college, I would get into a routine of just trying to create, eat, sleep, make stuff and just repeat. It bothered me how my routine each day was becoming my habit. That’s one of the reasons why I have a harder time enjoying the moment nowadays.

When I was in college, the first two years, we spent a lot of time studying what was in front of us. We measured and made models based on what we were exposed to. However, that initial exploration went 180 for me. By third year, we started copying modern buildings and stopped copying nature. The traditional norms of how buildings are built became our routine. The exploration slowly diminished for me.

It became harder for me to create by modeling regular buildings. There was no innovation. I started thinking about how light came through, or how people walked through the space, or how color affected perception of the space. When I started realizing that all buildings are so simple, it started bothering me why the complexity of life was being diminished so much.

Final Thoughts

As technologies connect us, the individual is starting to have an outlet for his/her view of reality. However, the technology is also a huge propaganda machine that is conforming society to polarized opinions. I believe the world today is significantly better, in terms of quality of life and experience. But what we’re exposed to on a regular basis, for example on tv, are the moments that are highly emotional. 

We remember these events, while forgetting how much more access we have. If the individual doesn’t creatively explore and translate what’s in front of them, then we will literally become robots. With AI technology, AR and VR just around the corner, the ways an individual will explore the world will change drastically. If the individual doesn’t take conscious control, people in control of the technology will eventually prime us to be more robotic.

But I don’t think that will happen if we can really creatively imagine and translate what’s in front of us. The creative individuals can take charge of the technology. It can lead to greater innovation. At least, that’s my hope. I want to translate what I see into new experiences. Through my writing, through my example and through what I build, I want to become a person that consciously translates my environment.

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